Tatiana Fallon – Becoming More Human

In an age where Artificial Intelligence becomes increasingly interwoven into our daily existence, there’s a growing urgency to impart the essence of humanity to our children.  This week’s episode is a conversation Tatiana Fallon and I had after we finished recording her presentation for the 2024 Realizing Genius Homeschool Conference (February 22-27, 2024).  Her presentation is on AI and is fascinating!  I can’t wait for you to watch it! Our conversation is a great preview.  Tatiana talks about how a classical Liberal Arts education for ourselves and our kids is a great antidote to the artificiality around us.


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Algorithmic Thinking: Building Problem Solvers for Life

Are you a homeschooling parent looking to empower your child in today’s tech-driven world? This episode delves into the exciting realm of teaching algorithms and algorithmic thinking! Discover how teaching algorithms nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our practical tips will help you make algorithmic learning engaging and enjoyable right from your homeschool. We’ll show you how algorithmic thinking goes beyond screens, enhancing everyday problem-solving skills and fostering teamwork and resilience. Plus, we’ll guide you on actively shaping your child’s digital experiences through algorithmic interactions online.

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Preparing for the Careers of the Future

Navigating the uncharted waters of the future can be a daunting task, especially for homeschooling parents. The world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and it often feels like we’re preparing our children for a destination that remains hidden in the fog of uncertainty. In these turbulent times, how can we equip our kids with the skills and knowledge they need when the very landscape of tomorrow remains elusive?

It’s true; the subjects we diligently teach and the experiences we curate for our children might not align perfectly with the demands of future employers. But perhaps therein lies the beauty of homeschooling – the ability to foster a holistic, adaptable, and forward-thinking education.

In this age of rapid change, memorizing facts and figures alone won’t suffice. Instead, we must cultivate in our children a love for learning, a hunger for exploration, and a resilience that enables them to tackle the unknown with confidence. By nurturing these essential qualities, we empower our children to not only adapt to the shifting tides of the job market but to become architects of their own destinies.

Consider this: the skills needed in the future job market may not be limited to traditional subjects. Tomorrow’s employers may prize creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, and emotional intelligence above all else. As homeschooling parents, we have the freedom to instill these attributes through a diverse range of educational experiences.

Interesting in learning more?  Check out this week’s episode, where I share my research on the top 10 skills we should be teaching our kids to prepare them for the careers of the future!

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A Little Bit about Artificial Intelligence

I’ve been researching technology and its pros and cons and thought I’d share some of the “aha’s” I’ve had about Artificial Intelligence.  People have calmed down a little about AI, but when ChatGPT first came out, there were so many fearful posts and articles.   I know there is still a lot of misunderstanding and confusion about it.

If we look back at history, there have been many times when new innovations are vilified because people don’t know how to use them effectively. Once we get over that hump, they just become normal.  Just in my lifetime, I’ve seen computers, the internet, and cell phones change the way we live.

When it comes to education, AI is something homeschoolers can embrace.  Hopefully other education systems will eventually, because whoever does, will give their kids a distinct advantage!  Learn a bit more about AI in this week’s episode!

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The Positive Side of Taking Risks – and TEDx

My son and I attended a TEDx yesterday, and I found a theme running through most of the presentations – the importance of taking risks. Have you ever gone to a TEDx?  You’ve probably watched a TED talk on their website or on your TV.  They are on YouTube as well.  My favorite is the one by Sir Ken Robinson titled “Do Schools Kill Creativity?

But back to yesterday and the theme.  The presenters weren’t talking about education, but I could see how so much of what they shared was applicable to our lives as educators and parents.  There were some definitely genius connections made!

Listen in to hear about a few of the presentations and see how they can connect to your life!

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