A Little Bit about Artificial Intelligence

I’ve been researching technology and its pros and cons and thought I’d share some of the “aha’s” I’ve had about Artificial Intelligence.  People have calmed down a little about AI, but when ChatGPT first came out, there were so many fearful posts and articles.   I know there is still a lot of misunderstanding and confusion about it.

If we look back at history, there have been many times when new innovations are vilified because people don’t know how to use them effectively. Once we get over that hump, they just become normal.  Just in my lifetime, I’ve seen computers, the internet, and cell phones change the way we live.

When it comes to education, AI is something homeschoolers can embrace.  Hopefully other education systems will eventually, because whoever does, will give their kids a distinct advantage!  Learn a bit more about AI in this week’s episode!


Here is the TIK TOK VIDEO I mentioned.