Digital Detox: Finding Family Balance in a Screen-Filled World with Michael Jacobus

Let’s have a real talk about something that’s not only pervasive in our digital world but also deeply personal for many of us guiding our kids through the maze of technology—screen addiction. In the spirit of vulnerability and courage, I want to share insights from someone who’s walked a mile in those shoes: Michael Jacobus. With a wealth of experience from over four decades as a summer camp director, Michael stepped into a new arena fueled by his personal journey navigating his son’s gaming addiction. This heart-led venture culminated in the creation of Reset Summer Camp, a beacon for families wrestling with the challenge of screen and gaming addictions.

What stands out about Michael’s approach is his emphasis on digital detox not as an act of deprivation but as a pathway to nurturing healthy family dynamics and embracing our role as parents and educators in this narrative. Originally focusing on gaming addiction, the camp has broadened its horizon to confront all facets of screen addiction, including the magnetic pull of social media and the vortex of content streaming.

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