Algorithmic Thinking: Building Problem Solvers for Life

Are you a homeschooling parent looking to empower your child in today’s tech-driven world? This episode delves into the exciting realm of teaching algorithms and algorithmic thinking! Discover how teaching algorithms nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our practical tips will help you make algorithmic learning engaging and enjoyable right from your homeschool. We’ll show you how algorithmic thinking goes beyond screens, enhancing everyday problem-solving skills and fostering teamwork and resilience. Plus, we’ll guide you on actively shaping your child’s digital experiences through algorithmic interactions online.

LINKS – A platform offering a variety of coding games and activities for kids.

Scratch – An interactive platform for creating stories, games, and animations using code blocks.

Tynker – A coding platform designed for kids to learn programming through fun projects.

Blockly – A visual programming language designed for beginners.

Khan Academy – Offers free computer science courses for older kids.

Codecademy – Provides interactive coding lessons suitable for various ages.

The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel & Hans Bluedorn

Bark – internet security & monitoring (affiliate)