Christina Werner – Supporting Our Values

You know what I love? Supporting businesses that are run by homeschool families! These folks are committed to certain principles and always put their kids first, which really means something to me. So, let me tell you about something really cool I discovered this week!

I had the chance to chat with Christina Werner about, and let me tell you, it’s awesome. PublicSq. is a community that’s all about supporting certain values and helping you do the same. They’re all about being pro-life, family-oriented, and freedom-loving – pretty great, right?

Christina is a former public school teacher and mom of two, and she was thrown into homeschooling during the pandemic, just as she started working with Public Sq. But you know what? She used the resources on the app to help her find the tools and tips she needed to homeschool her kids. How cool is that?!

I had so much fun talking to Christina, and if you have a small business or are thinking about starting one, you should definitely check this out. is an awesome resource that can help you on your journey. AND it is free to join!

Let’s support each other and create a thriving community of homeschool families who are committed to making the world a better place for our kids!