Kami Harris – Empower Your Educational Journey

Today, we’re diving deep into the heart of homeschooling with Kami Harris, a beacon of wisdom and guidance in the homeschooling community. I’m thrilled to have Kami here to share her extraordinary journey with us. From her initial path toward becoming a teacher to making the bold leap into homeschooling, Kami’s story is nothing short of inspiring. She embarked on this adventure when she recognized that the traditional education system just wasn’t cutting it for her eldest daughter. That realization was the spark that ignited her passion for a more personalized, hands-on approach to education.

Over the years, Kami has truly embraced the essence of homeschooling. She didn’t just stop at teaching her own kids; she went on to start a homeschooling community in her local area, deeply immersing herself in Leadership Education and Leadership Education Mentoring Institute (LEMI). But what’s perhaps most exciting is Kami’s latest chapter. As her own children step beyond the homeschooling threshold, Kami is now channeling her vast experience into coaching other parents embarking on their homeschooling journeys.

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Sarah Reid – Unlocking Learning Potential

In our latest episode, we delve into a narrative that’s uplifting and incredibly enriching for those of us steering through the homeschooling seas. I had the privilege of chatting with Sarah Reid, the visionary behind Innovative Press, who has masterfully turned the tides of homeschooling challenges to craft a beacon of educational innovation.

Sarah’s odyssey in homeschooling mirrors the journey many of us embark upon. Confronted with the monumental task of ensuring her children received a rich and engaging education outside the conventional classroom, she faced hurdles that might have deterred the faint of heart. Yet, Sarah saw these challenges as opportunities to innovate and create, leading to the development of unique teaching resources, including the transformative Encephalon Code Book.

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Shannon Moss – Navigating Health, Homeschooling and Business

This week’s conversation with Shannon Moss, a dynamic and health-focused homeschooling mom and entrepreneur, was truly inspiring. Shannon opened up about her personal health journey, revealing how an autoimmune disease became the catalyst for her to take charge of her health and inspire others to do the same. With passion, she detailed her innovative teaching methods for children, focusing on enhancing their problem-solving skills and teaching them to identify their triggers. Shannon stressed the vital role of community in juggling homeschooling and entrepreneurship, advocating for the power of seeking support and the courage to ask for help. Moreover, she delved into effective strategies for managing children’s anxiety and discussed the significant impact of diet on behavior, offering insights that are both enlightening and empowering.
Shannon shares so many great ideas!  You don’t want to miss this!

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Jae Carter – Homeschool Freedom

Get ready to dive into an incredible conversation with Jae Carter, a former public school teacher turned homeschooling advocate, in our latest podcast episode! Jae is the founder of the Homeschool Yo Kids organization, and she’s here to share her inspiring journey and insights.

Jae’s story is all about her transition from being a dedicated public school teacher to becoming a passionate advocate for homeschooling. She’ll take you on a journey through her experiences within the traditional education system and what led her to embrace homeschooling.

She also shares about her amazing Homeschool Yo Kids Expos happening around the country!  Check out the links below for more information.

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The Power of Intentions!

Welcome to the new year! Today is January 7th. Still going strong with your resolutions for the year? It’s a common occurrence that many people break their New Year’s resolutions shortly after making them. Statistics suggest that only a fraction, anywhere between 8% and 28%, actually manage to keep their resolutions. As homeschool parents, our resolutions often revolve around our children, which can add an extra layer of stress. That’s why today, I’d like to introduce a different approach. Rather than setting resolutions, consider embracing intentions for the year ahead.  I also share what MY intention is for the year and how and why to get your kids involved.


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Book Recommendations for Your Teen

It’s the beginning of December, and if you’re like me, you’re trying to figure out last-minute gifts. When my kids were growing up, I would always have a pile of books next to their stockings. The entire time I’ve been raising my kids, I’ve been trying to instill a love of books in them. One way I did that was to get them lots of books each Christmas.  It was just easier to put a big pile of books next to their stocking rather than wrap them all up.

So, I thought today that I would share some of the books that I have read this year because if I left it open to all of the books that I’ve read in the youth or young adult section, it would just take too long. I added a couple of classics in, too.  I’ve been reading some young adult books with my students this year that have really stood out for me.  I want to share those with you to give you some ideas for books that you wouldn’t think of reading because most of these are books I didn’t read with my own kids.  Enjoy!

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Doing December Differently

Isn’t it exciting? December’s here. We have all kinds of exciting activities that we’re doing. We are going sledding and having snow days and, you know, going to see Santa, if that’s your thing. We have church activities and all kinds of family that are going to be visiting. And additional fancy meals that you’re supposed to put together. And oh, by the way, on top of that, educate our kids.


I don’t know about you, but I have always loved December, but… Being really vulnerable here… It’s also when I kind of had a couple of breakdowns over the years.

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Preparing for the Careers of the Future

Navigating the uncharted waters of the future can be a daunting task, especially for homeschooling parents. The world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and it often feels like we’re preparing our children for a destination that remains hidden in the fog of uncertainty. In these turbulent times, how can we equip our kids with the skills and knowledge they need when the very landscape of tomorrow remains elusive?

It’s true; the subjects we diligently teach and the experiences we curate for our children might not align perfectly with the demands of future employers. But perhaps therein lies the beauty of homeschooling – the ability to foster a holistic, adaptable, and forward-thinking education.

In this age of rapid change, memorizing facts and figures alone won’t suffice. Instead, we must cultivate in our children a love for learning, a hunger for exploration, and a resilience that enables them to tackle the unknown with confidence. By nurturing these essential qualities, we empower our children to not only adapt to the shifting tides of the job market but to become architects of their own destinies.

Consider this: the skills needed in the future job market may not be limited to traditional subjects. Tomorrow’s employers may prize creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, and emotional intelligence above all else. As homeschooling parents, we have the freedom to instill these attributes through a diverse range of educational experiences.

Interesting in learning more?  Check out this week’s episode, where I share my research on the top 10 skills we should be teaching our kids to prepare them for the careers of the future!

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The Positive Side of Taking Risks – and TEDx

My son and I attended a TEDx yesterday, and I found a theme running through most of the presentations – the importance of taking risks. Have you ever gone to a TEDx?  You’ve probably watched a TED talk on their website or on your TV.  They are on YouTube as well.  My favorite is the one by Sir Ken Robinson titled “Do Schools Kill Creativity?

But back to yesterday and the theme.  The presenters weren’t talking about education, but I could see how so much of what they shared was applicable to our lives as educators and parents.  There were some definitely genius connections made!

Listen in to hear about a few of the presentations and see how they can connect to your life!

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Carrie De Francisco – Homeschool Co-ops & More

Have you ever had that incredible experience of meeting someone and feeling an instant, undeniable connection? It’s as if you can sense their authenticity, passion, love, and genuine care from the moment you start talking to them. Well, that’s exactly who Carrie De Francisco is. Before I dive into our conversation on this episode, I urge you to visit her website, “Coffee with Carrie.” There, you’ll discover her podcast, store, book, and a treasure trove of other content!

Now, let’s get back to the main topic. When I initially got to know Carrie, I had no idea that she was deeply involved in a homeschool co-op for a significant period of time. What both Carrie and I strongly believe in is the profound importance of community within the homeschooling journey. And the reasons behind our emphasis on community might not be what you expect!

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