Shannon Moss – Navigating Health, Homeschooling and Business

This week’s conversation with Shannon Moss, a dynamic and health-focused homeschooling mom and entrepreneur, was truly inspiring. Shannon opened up about her personal health journey, revealing how an autoimmune disease became the catalyst for her to take charge of her health and inspire others to do the same. With passion, she detailed her innovative teaching methods for children, focusing on enhancing their problem-solving skills and teaching them to identify their triggers. Shannon stressed the vital role of community in juggling homeschooling and entrepreneurship, advocating for the power of seeking support and the courage to ask for help. Moreover, she delved into effective strategies for managing children’s anxiety and discussed the significant impact of diet on behavior, offering insights that are both enlightening and empowering.
Shannon shares so many great ideas!  You don’t want to miss this!

Social Media – @shannonmosswellness
00:01 Introduction and Guest Introduction
00:29 Shannon’s Journey into Health and Wellness
01:33 The Importance of Mental Health in Overall Wellness
04:02 The Power of the Mind-Body Connection
06:31 Incorporating Mindset in Health and Wellness
06:57 Teaching Kids to Manage Their Thoughts and Emotions
19:53 Balancing Homeschooling and Running a Business
25:28 The Importance of Community in Homeschooling
26:19 Conclusion and Final Thoughts