Kirsten Liebolt – Embracing Bravery

In a world that often values conformity and follows conventional paths, homeschoolers have embarked on a journey that requires immense courage and a unique sense of bravery. Kirsten Liebolt, the host of the renowned podcast “Addicted to Brave,” celebrates the indomitable spirit of homeschoolers and their addiction to being brave.

Homeschooling, as an alternative form of education, demands a certain level of audacity. Opting out of traditional school systems and choosing a less-traveled path requires homeschoolers to confront societal norms, overcome doubts, and face criticism. The decision to homeschool often stems from a deep desire to provide tailored education, nurturing individual passions and allowing for personalized growth.

As a veteran homeschooler, she also shares how life changes as a parent of adults!

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