Books & Beyond – “So Good They Can’t Ignore You”

NEW!  Realizing Genius Connections – Books and Beyond!

Have you ever had the experience where several things happen, and all of a sudden, you are making all these connections?  You are reading a book, and you remember what someone said in a webinar or course or another book, and everything just makes a little bit more sense.

That happens to me on a regular basis, and the first thing I want to do is share it with someone!  I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while and this week, I finished a book and attended a webinar and … BAM!  I was hit with some genius connections!  I just had to share!

The book I read is “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” by Cal Newport.  And when I say read, I really mean listened to.  I learned a long time ago that I can get through a lot more books if I listen to them.  I usually listen to them at about 1.5x speed. (I got my boys hooked, too – they can listen to it at 2.0x – a little too fast for me!)  Sometimes I will purchase the physical book as well (after I’ve listened to it).  These are usually the books that I want to use as sources for research.  I also use Reading Graphics as a resource.  It is meant to be used as a source for book summaries.  I use it mostly for notes on books that I’ve listened to that I don’t need to dive deep into.

But back to my connections…

One of the things I liked about Newport’s book is that he brought up several books that I’ve dived deep into!  Like Drive by Daniel Pink and Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.  I quote these books in several of my presentations on homeschooling.  These were the first Genius Connections I made with Newport’s book.

I made another one yesterday when I attended Tatiana Fallon’s webinar on “Leadership Education: What it is and Why it Works.”  Tatiana was raised and homeschooled with the Leadership Education philosophy and is now homeschooling her kids using it as well.  Throughout her presentation, she made connections.  From her connections, I was able to make more.

While you have missed attending her webinar live, there is a subscription special you can purchase to have access to the recording of her webinar and many others that are focused on helping you homeschool and Leadership Education.  Tati is also scheduled to give several more webinars on Leadership Education, usually on the first Saturday of the month.  They are free to attend.  You can see the event schedule and register for them HERE.