Realizing Genius Homeschool Conference - 2024

Carrie De Francisco

Carrie De Francisco

Coffee with Carrie
Coffee With Carrie offers homeschooling help, consulting services, online seminars, weekly podcasts, and special weekend events to support, encourage and edify moms who are educating their children at home.

Carrie De Francisco is the host of the popular podcast Coffee With Carrie Homeschool Help and the author of several books including, Just Breathe (and Take a Sip of Coffee): Homeschool in Step with God. Carrie believes if God is calling you to homeschool, you can do it! Through her consulting services, books, and podcast, she helps moms simplify their homeschooling one step at a time, one day at a time, and one cup of coffee at a time. After 20 years of homeschooling, Carrie appreciates the gift of laughter (and her quiet time with her Bible and her favorite cup of coffee). Originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, Carrie now lives and learns in Southern California with her husband, her two homeschool graduates, and their introverted dog. Connect with Carrie at or on Instagram @coffeewithcarrieconsultant

Homeschool High School: YOU CAN DO IT!
Homeschooling high school is easier than you think. The key to successfully homeschooling high school is to start with the end in mind. It is never too early to start praying about high school and looking ahead. In this session, Carrie explains what is required, gives tips on meeting those requirements in creative ways, and encourages the most fearful moms that homeschooling through high school is not only doable but can be enjoyable too! In this session, Carrie shares how to: • Use the high school years to discern God’s purpose and plan for your teen’s life • Design a 4-Year Plan for High School • Create transcripts & how to determine high school credit • Meet state graduation requirements in both traditional and non-traditional ways • Capitalize on the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling high school • Prepare for college admissions for the college-bound teen • Include AP, CLEP, Honors, & Community College Dual Enrollment, • and more… Come with your fears, challenges, and questions. Just breathe… You can homeschool high school and enjoy it too

Sabbath Schooling – It saved my sanity!

The year Carrie and her family fell back in love with homeschooling was the year they learned to truly rest through Sabbath Schooling. What is Sabbath Schooling? It is intentionally adding time in your day, your week, and your homeschool calendar for periods of rest. In this session, Carrie shares practical tips on how to apply the idea of Sabbath and rest to your homeschool lessons, schedules, and calendars. She even shares how her family took a few homeschooling sabbatical years. These precious Sabbath moments are not wasted time but are an important part of your homeschooling journey. After this session, you will no longer feel guilty about taking a much-needed coffee break or a much-deserved day, week, (or even a month) of rest.

Would you like to hear more from Carrie?  Be sure to check out her Realizing Genius Podcast Episode! — Copyright 2022 — All Rights Reserved  
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